positive mind care

Deep TMS Therapy Vs Traditional TMS Therapy​

      • Depth of stimulation: Deep TMS penetrates deeper brain regions than rTMS.

        • Frequency and Treatment Duration: rTMS is a long process of an hour daily session for several weeks, whereas Deep TMS are barely 20 minutes sessions at much lesser frequency. 
        • Side effects: Deep TMS is safer than rTMS. Deep TMS can cause mild-to-moderate scalp discomfort and occasional headaches or dizziness whereas rTMS can cause scalp discomfort and headaches.


        According to the Brainsway website, here are the differences between rTMS (repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation) and Deep TMS (Deep transcranial magnetic stimulation):


            • Depth of stimulation: As the name suggests, Deep TMS is able to reach deeper brain regions than rTMS. This is because the H-coil used in Deep TMS is able to penetrate deeper into the brain tissue.

              • Technology: The main difference between rTMS and Deep TMS is the technology they use to deliver magnetic stimulation to the brain. rTMS uses a figure-8 coil to deliver magnetic pulses to a specific area of the brain, while Deep TMS uses an H-coil to stimulate deeper brain regions.

                • Treatment duration: Deep TMS sessions are typically shorter than rTMS sessions. A single Deep TMS session usually lasts between 20-30 minutes, while rTMS sessions can last up to an hour.

                  • Frequency of treatment: The frequency of treatment also differs between rTMS and Deep TMS. rTMS is usually administered daily for several weeks, while Deep TMS can be administered less frequently, such as three times a week.

                    • Indications: While both rTMS and Deep TMS are used to treat various neurological and psychiatric conditions, they have different indications. Deep TMS is FDA cleared for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), while rTMS is FDA cleared for MDD and several other conditions, including bipolar disorder and migraines.

                      • Side effects: Both rTMS and Deep TMS are considered safe and well-tolerated, but they can have different side effects. For example, rTMS can cause scalp discomfort and headaches, while Deep TMS can cause mild-to-moderate scalp discomfort and occasional headaches or dizziness.