positive mind care

Our Specialties

Personality Test

Positive Mind Care and Research Centre is a leading mental health care facility of Delhi – NCR, dedicated to helping individuals to overcome mental health disorders and reclaim their joyful lives through a positive and holistic approach, which involves various Mindfulness, a unique breakthrough technology called Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Deep TMS), counseling, and psychodiagnostic testing.

What is Psychodiagnostic Testing?

Psychodiagnostic testing, also known as psychological assessment or psychological testing, is a process used by mental health professionals to evaluate and diagnose various psychological, emotional, behavioral, and cognitive conditions in individuals. It involves the use of standardized tests, questionnaires, interviews, and observations to gather information about a person’s thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and personality traits.

The purpose of psychodiagnostic testing is to gain a comprehensive understanding of an individual’s psychological functioning, identify potential mental health issues or disorders, and inform treatment planning. These assessments are typically administered and interpreted by trained psychologists, psychiatrists, or licensed mental health professionals.

Psychodiagnostic testing is used in a wide range of settings, including clinical settings, schools, organizations, and research studies. It helps mental health professionals make informed diagnoses, develop appropriate treatment plans, track treatment progress, and assess changes over time.

It’s essential to note that psychological assessment is a complex process that requires expertise and training to administer and interpret accurately. The results of these tests should be considered in conjunction with other clinical information to form a comprehensive understanding of an individual’s mental health and guide appropriate interventions.

What is a Personality Test?

Personality tests are standardized assessments designed to evaluate an individual’s personality traits, behavioral patterns, emotional tendencies, and cognitive styles. These tests are used to gain insights into an individual’s characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving, providing a better understanding of their personality and behavioral preferences.

Personality tests are widely used in various settings, including:

  • Psychological Assessment: Personality tests are often employed in clinical psychology to assess personality disorders, psychological functioning, and mental health.
  • Career Counseling: In career counseling and organizational settings, personality tests can help individuals identify suitable career paths and work environments that align with their personality traits and strengths.
  • Research Studies: Researchers use personality tests to study personality traits and their relationship to various behaviors, attitudes, and life outcomes.
  • Team Building and Leadership Development: In organizational contexts, personality tests can aid in team-building efforts and leadership development by understanding team dynamics and individual personalities.
  • 5. Relationship Counseling: Personality assessments can be used in couples or relationship counseling to identify compatibility, communication styles, and potential sources of conflict


Respondents: 974,689

Respondents from India are likely to be:

  • more Extraverted than Introverted (+5.60%)
  • more Intuitive than Observant (+8.08%)
  • significantly more Feeling than Thinking (+10.86%)
  • slightly more Prospecting than Judging (+4.09%)
  • more Turbulent than Assertive (+8.31%)
  • more Turbulent than Assertive (+8.31%)


Positive Mind Care and Research Centre is a trusted facility that offers a range of services to support individuals in their journey towards Major Depressive Disorder

Outpatient Department (OPD)

Provides a convenient and flexible approach to treatment, allowing patients to receive care while maintaining their daily routines. 

Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Deep TMS)

A non-invasive procedure that targets specific areas of the brain associated with depression. This innovative treatment option has shown promising results in reducing symptoms of MDD and is FDA approved.


A supportive and empathetic environment to express thoughts, emotions, and experiences, develop coping strategies, and gain insights to improve overall well-being. 

Our center combines expert medical care with a compassionate and supportive environment, empowering individuals to reclaim their lives.


Cultivate awareness, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being through meditation, yoga, and other practices to keep you grounded.

Our center combines expert medical care with a compassionate and supportive environment, empowering individuals to reclaim their lives.


Counseling for Personality Disorders is a specialized form of therapy that focuses on helping individuals with personality disorders understand and manage their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. The counseling process aims to improve self-awareness, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and enhance interpersonal relationships. Therapists work collaboratively with clients to identify maladaptive patterns and address the underlying issues contributing to their personality disorder. Cognitive-behavioral techniques, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and psychodynamic approaches may be used to challenge negative thought patterns and promote positive change. The goal is to facilitate personal growth, increase emotional regulation, and improve overall functioning and well-being for individuals with personality disorders.

We at Positive Mind Care and Research Centre, a new generation mental health clinic, are dedicated to providing the highest quality care and research in the field of mental health. We take a positive and holistic approach to mental health, focusing on the individual as a whole and their unique needs and circumstances. We are committed to using evidence-based scientific treatment methods, conducting research, and providing education and outreach to the community. Remember that you are not alone, and we are here to help you on your journey towards betterment!

Our Treatments

Learn more about how Positive Mind Care innovative TMS treatment technology can be effective in treating psychiatric disorders.

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

Depression is a neuropsychiatric disorder that is expressed in emotional, physiological, and behavioral effects
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Anxious Depression

Depression is a neuropsychiatric disorder that is expressed in emotional, physiological, and behavioral effects
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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

BrainsWay Introduces the First FDA Cleared (De-Novo), Non-invasive, Medical Device for the Treatment of OCD
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Smoking Addiction Treatment

BrainsWay Introduces the First FDA Cleared, Noninvasive, Medical Device in the addiction space for aiding short-term smoking cessation in adults
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Neurological Treatments

Learn more about how DEEP TMS treatment technology can be effective in treating neurological disorders.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, causes unusual shifts in a person’s mood, energy, and ability to function
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Deep TMS is the only TMS system FDA-cleared to reduce comorbid anxiety symptoms in adult patients with depression
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Multiple Sclerosis

Deep TMS is the only TMS system FDA-cleared to reduce comorbid anxiety symptoms in adult patients with depression
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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an extreme anxiety response to a life-threatening situation
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Alzheimer's Disease

Deep TMS is the only TMS system FDA-cleared to reduce comorbid anxiety symptoms in adult patients with depression
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Post Stroke Rehabilitation

Deep TMS is the only TMS system FDA-cleared to reduce comorbid anxiety symptoms in adult patients with depression
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Deep TMS is the only TMS system FDA-cleared to reduce comorbid anxiety symptoms in adult patients with depression
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Chronic Pain

Deep TMS is the only TMS system FDA-cleared to reduce comorbid anxiety symptoms in adult patients with depression
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Parkinson's Disease

Deep TMS is the only TMS system FDA-cleared to reduce comorbid anxiety symptoms in adult patients with depression
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